About us

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Our Story

VigyanShaala is to enable the innovators of tomorrow to achieve their dreams by bringing science, technology, and learning to their doorstep today
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to create a better world through science. Find out how we are enabling a new generation of scientists, equipped to face the future.

Our Beginnings:
Our humble beginnings are rooted in a volunteer movement started in 2015 by Indian graduate students based across the globe to take magic of hands-on science to the remotest corners of India. Between 2015-18, we were awarded grants from several science academies for bringing hands-on STEM and cutting-edge research experience to classrooms in India. Through this volunteer movement we conducted workshops all across India and engaged close to 8000 students and their teachers and trained nearly 100 PhD students in STEM communication through training workshops and engaging them as volunteers.



Students Impacted


WorkShops Conducted


Hours of Training


Colleges and Schools


Volunteers Engaged


Hi-End Mentors from 10+ Countries

Support Our Work:

VigyanShaala International is a Charitable Trust registered in India (Reg. No – 491/Book No. 4/Vol. no 2110). Founded in April 2019, we are exempted under the section 12AA and 80G(5)(vi) of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. Our highly modular, open, decentralised and collaborative approach brings local youth at the epicenter of social transformation

We Accept Donations, CSR-Collaborations for both Monetary and Employee Engagement. For Foundations and CSR, Contact Us directly. To Donate Click Below